Context > Vision > Objectives > Thrusts > Strategies > Roadmap
- A context: Analysis of the context of tribal communities led to the creation of Global TribeDefi.
Read (reference to context)
- A vision: Global TribeDefi aims to contribute to the inclusive, sustainable socio-economic development of tribal communities.
Read (reference to Vision)
- Objectives:
Global Tribe DeFi sets three objectives:-
1. invite individuals and businesses from tribal communities to use digital finance.
2. to create an ecosystem that adopts the digital economy
3. to train in digital finance tools
- Thrusts:
Global Tribe DeFi defines five strategic thrusts, namely to:-
1. Promote digital transformation,
2. Promote digital economy,
3. Transform tribal communities into inclusive digital societies,
4. Create a trustworthy, safe and ethical environment,
5. Train digital talents.
- Strategies:
Global TribeDefi supports these thrusts with strategies depending of the case studies
- A Roadmap:
January - February 2023: Context analysis of tribal communities, vision, objectives, thrusts, strategies. Editing of slide deck.
March - April 2023: Creation of 7 products, signature of partnerships with indigenous communities, their banks, and financial institutions. Mint Sovereign, Asset Backed Digital Currencies and IEO and ICO issuance for the world, digital currencies exchange. KYC-AML registration, opening of Instant Payment Wallets. Editing of the website.
May 2023: National awareness launch. Presentation of the project and products to sovereign government indigenous leaders, launch of the platform to make national and global payments.
June 2023: Establishment of the e-commerce platform promoting business exports.
July - December 2023: Implementation of other products depending on the authorizations obtained - establishment of points of sale with the support of local partner companies.